Halloween Queen!

So down at the Charity shop today – I sure was in for a big surprise! It certainly looked like Halloween had arrived in style according to Stephanie’s attire, even the door creaked slowly open, as I entered with dozen’s of cobweb’s landing on my head…& I was transported into this ‘midnight like’ but during day-time Halloween dream….Elvira better watch out! As Stephanie’s on your tail girl!

'Starterling Stephanie' strange goings on at the Charity Shop today..

She’s hot with ‘Halloween Fire’ & with her violet streaked wig she’s taking no prisoners…! So any ‘scaredee cat’s‘ better ‘get out of the way’! The wig was most halloween appropriate, the dress at least was black, the jewellery kind of minimal (maybe a bone necklace would of gone down a treat…or is it a trick now?) The scarf I must say did clash with the hair….oh well you can’t ‘have everything’ as I say…though at least the red was ‘blood-red’…just thought I’d report this latest fashion happening despite now having to retire due to a very bad throat & horrible chesty cough. It’s time now to get under the duvet, sip some lemslip & I see The Witch Finder General is on…now if he happens to be passing the charity shop…who knows what will happen???…All I can say is Mr Hopkins ‘you’re no match for Steph’s power’ (I know because I’ve watched Carrie etc etc..) So Happy Halloween!

Now it's time for a 'close-up' & things get a little bit stranger....