How much is that doggy in the window??

A recent mooch down the seafront revealed a shop offering these lovelies for sale, cute or what?? Both of 2 very popular breeds the Yorkshire Terrier and the trusty Scottie dog. (Though my dog’s breed was not in the window! woof woof…) But this did not stop me admiring these statuette’s & seeing what ‘purposes & potential‘ I could put them too….I am thinking of making an embroidery piece based on the seaside, hence I’ve been snapping away on my recent walks,  so they may appear again later on…

is it the one with the waggly tail?

is it the one with the waggly tail?

It always fascinates me what some gift shop’s sell..(take a look around & you’ll see what I mean..) Ok yes they are ‘kitsch’ & rather a ‘pastiche’ but ‘dog imagery’ has  been hitting the catwalks, like Givenchy’s Rottweiler jumper which featured a few seasons ago, (& I don’t think it will stop there...) so you’ve heard it here ‘first’..dogs transferring from walking down the catwalk to now on to the clothes. Does anyone need a ‘doggy bag’??!!