I can’t ‘go’ for that…!

Like the ol’ Hall and Oates song, “I can’t go for that…no..no can do”. What am I talking about? Well it’s the tacky ‘fashion’ shops that I’ve encountered lately. There’s at least one in each town. (Don’t know if that’s a ‘good’ thing – suppose it keeps some people off the streets…but definitely couldn’t see one in places like Windsor/Hampstead/Kensington. Now that would be hilarious!). Good that there are still shops, but seriously, who wears this stuff? Not me or anyone I know, I can tell you! Need I mention garish and lurid colours, some so bright you would need shades just to look at them.

see what I mean about the colours?

Cheap fabrics, nasty trimmings with beads and fringes way over done. Skimpy? Yes, the tighter the better. Prices? Usually a lot higher than that famous High Street budget brand that begins with a P, which I find rather odd. Also, many of these shops are not around for long (can see why…). They often display a constant ‘closing down’ sale sign – well get on with it then and do us all a favour! There must be a ‘market’ for it, I guess…just don’t want to see anyone walking around in it…think I’d need some kind of emergency ‘fashion’ tonic just to recover. Though it could present an ‘interesting’ social experiment! These shops are a complete mishmash with no style identity apart from ‘tat’ comes to mind. Clashing colours, luminous print, mainly figure hugging though some are baggy. Revealing styles? Lots of that, nothing seems to go together at all. I don’t get it and like why? Who the hell ‘designs’ this stuff? (Own up now if you dare!). This is a question that I daren’t ask the shopkeeper. Oh no! And back to that song ‘no can do’…! + A NO NO!

like hell no….