I say…’Slogan it’…

Slogan it! I say or rather that’s the message I’m getting from browsing my local High Street shops, especially as we are now entering the Summer season, ready-made slogans are a plenty. From the most obvious on T-shirts, to bag’s, badge’s, sweatshirts, leggings, make-up bags, even mirrors. The amount of places you can ‘slogan’ seems endless…so I’ve compiled here some of my favourites, ‘mixing and matching’ some of the messages for added fun!

My first message sounds promising with ‘let’s do lunch’ but the reply was not encouraging….

is orange the colour that brings people together...?

A casual t-shirt can add ‘glamour’ and the responses may just hit the right spot..?

Oh boy! Let's do glam now! I'm getting excited...

It’s time to ‘chill out’ but don’t forget the ‘angry cushion’ and if you can’t forget it, at least you can punch it!

It's good to chill out especially when you're seeing 'red'...!

Love can appear on a bag…or it may be ‘forever’ but then again it may not….

Love can be 'forever' can't it?

Go on be that ‘social media star’, ‘glam yourself up’, take a ‘selfie’, smile and love yourself and why not? As it seems everyone else is, so let’s ‘join’ the party!!

Get those selfie sticks at the ready! 'Pucker up now'!

If you’ve never seen the film ‘They Live’ by John Carpenter, I strongly suggest you do and ‘obey my command’! (I mean who is the ‘boss’ around here anyway…?)

Who's the 'boss' in your life? And do you 'obey'?

Things could get serious once you’re a ‘social media star’ and maybe you might attract some ‘unwanted attention’, so maybe just play ‘dumb’, or take a step back – ‘dope’ and just try and ignore it…they only ‘want the attention’ right??? (or am I wrong here?)

You might attract the'wrong' attention, but should that stop you??

My ‘messages’ are now ‘over & out’ so look out for next month when I’ll be the one doing the ‘sloganising’…(‘that’s all folks’ honest).