I won’t be buying it…or going there either…

Because it’s bust, shut down and more or less ‘gone’ forever…what am I talking about? Well it’s obvious isn’t it? The high street chains that succumbed to the final nail in their coffins = the Covid effect. Well yes we all know this so why am I going on about it? Well…it’s because I was sorting through some pictures I took as a camera test back in 2018 and coming across them I felt rather sad…melancholy to be exact…who’d of thought that the mighty giant that was Debenhams would fall completely a few years later…for all their stores to be closed and bought by Boo-Hoo! It actually makes me completely ‘boo-hoo’ to be honest I just don’t think it’s a brand match at all…Then there is/or rather was…fashion chain Dorothy Perkins which had been in business for over 100 years…! (that did surprise me) though never a total favourite of mine I did frequent their store on a fairly regular basis and bought a mighty fine winter coat from there several years back. The mannequins from my local store are now ‘re-purposed’ right around the corner in the charity shop…! At least their not out of work and no…I never saw that coming either!

Topshop was ‘tops’ for me now only online via ASOS not the point really is it?

Topshop is next with my local branch shutting down very suddenly before Covid hit…it was all ‘fine and dandy’ one minute then out of the blue there appeared a “last few days” poster I’m like since when?  I hadn’t been passed for a few weeks (a long time in retail these days…) so I missed most of the closing down bargains and guess what it is now? A charity shop! and rather a large one too…I find it very strange walking around knowing exactly what it was before. Bought by Asos so a better brand fit for me then Boo-Hoo, but sadly no stores or what’s the latest on the flagship Oxford Circus one? That was fantastic in its heyday. Then there’s Warehouse this was always a favourite of mine as a youngster despite sometimes being a bit pricey, they had not only shops but concessions in yes Debenhams….and look what happened there! Oh let’s not forget Select which I found always good for an occasional bargain, I believe they also went into administration but the last time I was in Lakeside there was a Select store but not so locally that shut a while back.

Warehouse folded on the high street..as did Select apart from a ‘select’ few…

I just find it all so sad really I can’t help it…it’s what I grew up with what I know and enjoy. Back in those days it was just your average ‘bricks and mortar’ and mail order which in another guise has exploded with the rise of the internet shopping. So maybe yes their demise was always on the cards…but the way shops are going (literally…it seems..) is it progress? I actually think not…for me there will always be a place in my mind and heart for actual shops. It’s like looking at these images from just a few years ago the items which mainly can no longer be bought except on the secondary market seem rather like museum pieces…Oh dear think I just opened up Pandora’s box…and we all know how that went…