I’m no ‘dumbo’..!

Well I have to say I’m no ‘dumbo’ when comes to choosing hosiery and I’m certainly never in a ‘tight corner’! So on one of my recent Charity Shop travel’s I was ‘startled and surprised’ to come across a pair of tights called for wait for it ‘Dumbo’! I was attracted not only by the name, but the provocative image of a young lady in just shirt & tights in front of a burning sunset, this vibrant vintage image made me stop in my tracks.

Dumbo tights...I thought are they for 'real'..?

The image not only captivated me, but I wondered what on earth were Dumbo tights? I did a quick internet search and found some more contemporary Dumbo tights, but nothing like the one’s I spotted, so it looks like I found something special! I always find that Charity Shops are a very good place to search for unworn tights and you never know just what you will find! Therefore it makes this pastime an exciting ‘diversion’ with ‘surprises’ guaranteed.

it's time for some 'down time' now that 'my leg's are looking hot!'My next find was in a pair of stockings with what might be described as an ‘age appropriate’ image of a middle aged lady settling down with a nice cup of tea (one of my favourite pastimes too…) this model shows that age is no barrier to having a good pair of ‘pegs’ or maybe I should say legs! Either way, it’s good to see some ‘balance’ in age representation (a rare thing and I might add of using not only a middle aged model but one whose style is definitely ‘Phillippa’ if you see what I mean…i.e. in that she’s middle aged and not trying to ‘look young’ or be styled young – perish the thought!) My last image is of an extremely ‘groovy young lady’, a ‘Golden Lady’ and is she called Monica? The era is undoubtedly the Sixties and with those white kitten heels and bold print dress her look is very current. Proving that this is not only a ‘real gem’ in this ‘realm of tights’ but a very fashion forward statement, that just ‘keeps on giving’…so I was happy with my finds & one that did not over ‘stretch’ me, tights or otherwise in the Fashion stakes!

a 'Golden Lady' looking real groovy & 'cool'