I’m not a robot!

And I resent the insinuation, the accusation, the inconvenience, the test, the tracking, the “you must comply”, the assumption, the infuriating challenge & the total insult! I could go on & on…I flaming hate I’m not a robot! And all the tests, challenges, pop-ups, agreements, privacy notices, cookies, security questions, codes, passwords etc. I find it very stressful, patronising, time stealing, anger inducing all because you want to use the internet…that’s it! Yet you’re made to feel as though you’re the fraudster, bot or scammer when clearly you are not. You are you…and I’m am I. I Or so I thought...it seems to be getting worse (is that possible?). And don’t commit the ‘crime’ of not using the latest up-to-date system & software..don’t even try! Why? Because ‘we’ will block websites, stop you doing things you enjoy just because we can! I can’t browse Ebay and I’ve been on there for over 20 years! Yet I’m treated like I’m some ‘pariah’ to have the audacity to even question their system! Whoever said that the internet is a ‘great equaliser’ is wrong…unless…you completely comply and do as ‘you’re told’, tick all the boxes, terms and conditions…otherwise…you will be locked out, blocked, excluded, whatever they can do to make your life as difficult as possible.

this is ALL so exhausting…it never stops…how to escape?

Organisations decide how you interact with the web & other services…you literally have no ‘choice’ but to do as they say. I say there are huge flaws in their system. For example setting up a phone number for a security code to login to a service well…what if after sometime you change numbers? (as people do) and not use said service for a while more or less forgetting about it…you go back to log in and they insist on sending a security code to your old number! Sorry the computer says no! It really does! I for one do not believe security codes to a phone are as ‘secure’ as the banks would like us to think. I actually left a bank of over 20 years because I refused to do it and joined another bank that provides a card reader! Phones can be accessed, text messages can be seen, so who the hell do they think they are coming at us as though this is totally ‘secure’? This system encourages even more reliance on phones which as we know too much of a ‘good’ thing is toxic! Online systems are open to hacking, phones, texts and emails are also and no one usually finds out until it’s too late…like Royal Mail. Because of all this we have to suffer for the ‘purposes of security’ more like for the purposes of being extremely nosy, mining you’re information and selling it on. (Like the council they are very good at that) in other words controlling you. Freedom…? It seems a thing of the past unless you’re ‘clever’ & can keep one step ahead of these irritations or circumnavigate via old media. Which I find very interesting and practice on a regular basis! Well I emailed this text to myself and it came up with a problem…so I had to ‘Mark message not suspicious’ to myself…give me strength as it’s seriously wearing out. And to repeat I’m….Not…A….Robot! Ok?