I’m taking the ‘biscuit’…& it’s a another ‘Millionaires’…

It seems to be a ‘trend’ or is it just me? Finding yet another aspirational food item, I was excited on seeing them not only available but on offer at Tesco, I thought well this is just too good to resist! I’ve had the doughnut so why not only have, but ‘take the biscuit’! Well, those were my thought processes and why not go with it? There’s no harm and it amuses me in a small way. With the world so crazy at times it’s just nice to focus on the most innocuous things like a biscuit with a running Millionaires theme, I may not be living it up travelling the world in yachts or playing the tables at Monte Carlo (that would be difficult in this Corona world…) but I can dream whilst sat outside Tesco’s with my packet of Millionaires biscuits. By McVitie’s no less who generally know how to make a good biscuit.

I’m now taking a ‘bite’ out of the Millionaires lifestyle

I’m living the ‘high life’ the ‘dream’….whilst sat munching on a caramel Millionaire slice sat on a bench outside the Tesco megastore can it really get any better than this? Hmmm….am I elevated into the higher echelons of privileged society? Well no…not exactly but I can try…by spending 72p on offer down from £1.45 and using my imagination to its supreme and vivid recreation of finding myself eating said McVitie’s biscuit served on a silver platter at the Ritz…yes that’s me I’m ‘there’, oh can you imagine the uproar if I was eating these biscuits in said location! The shame, the cheek the audacity and well the honesty…! Oh I’ve not even mentioned (due to the high excitement) what the Millionaire’s slices were like…well they were good, not outstanding but definitely lived up to the image on the packaging. Chocolate topping with a caramel layer and the typically chunky McVitie’s digestive biscuit or rather a ‘cake like’ version of the digestive. Have to say it didn’t disappoint so if I come across these slices again I will buy as somehow the universe seems to be sending me the message I ‘should’ be living it up more! How exactly I have yet to discover but it’s fun finding out along the way…so pass the champagne! I don’t care I’ve no ‘shame’ at my age (mid 50’s now…) of drinking bubbly on a bench in the height of winter! Love to see the Millionaires who would join me!!!