In Fashion…?

So if I buy a bag that says ‘Fashion’ does that mean I’m in ‘Fashion’ or not? I suspect not…more likely if it was to say ‘it’s not Fashion’ I might have more of a chance..? My favourite of these fashion bags is the one with the tantalizing encrusted lips and nails, I think that would suit my ‘incredible’ Philippa outfit…?

Poundland’s ‘Professional Fashion Addict’…really…?

Poundland’s ‘Professional Fashion Addict’ bag is a close second, I just love the idea of this bag being carried around by the most ‘unfashionable’…naughty I know…but I like the irony! Also found another example in a white bag with matching purse! Talk about ramming it home! So just in case you didn’t get that the bag said ‘Fashion’…now get the purse out then!

‘Double it up’ with this Fashion set…

Also on a recent Charity Shop find (yep again…) I purchased an extremely apt ‘Fashion emergency kit’ which I have to say contains some really useful items, such as a needle and thread for those tights that always snag, a file for chipped nails (like regularly) plasters! (Yep…they are always needed) paper soap (never tried that before…) and a couple of hand and face wipes, you can’t go wrong with this kit, better stick it in my ‘Fashion’ bag now! Wow also got that ol’ Bowie song going around in my head ‘tra, la, la, la, Fa, Fa, Fashion!

‘Hold the front page’ it’s a
‘Fashion emergency…!’