It ain’t Chanel…but what the hell?

I nearly tripped up the other day over some ‘gold’ and ‘silver’ plated ‘Chanel’ tea sets (not an everyday occurrence I can assure you). I had to take a few shots ASAP (I have to be super quick as a lot of people don’t like me taking photos sometimes…Or rather ask ‘awkward’ questions that I don’t want to answer…). So I didn’t stick around to ask the price, but it’s guaranteed to be extremely low in comparison to the real deal…Though finding out what that is it seems is not entirely straightforward…as putting ‘Chanel’ tea set into Google doesn’t well exactly come up with a Chanel tea set…mainly more ‘looky likey’s’ and some very tacky ones I can tell you…

Condiments covered!

Have to say even though they were complete knockoffs I was rather excited to see them as it certainly added a bit of ‘glamour’ to the rather grey pavement. Also the week before I captured some ‘Chanel’ diamante tea coffee and sugar containers, so is a theme building here? Or at the very least you can have your whole ‘tea & coffee situation’ ‘Chanel covered’. Wonder what Chanel herself would make of it? I’m sure she’d admire the enterprise at least…Though no tea items with pearls so far!

Pick a purse?

With condiments covered, there is a handbag or two available and what about a purse to go with that? Hmmm…with the bold CC logo being totally iconic it seems to be feeding aspirations on a global scale (nothing new I know but if what goes on around near me is any indication…and also seeing quite a few people with a ‘Chanel’ handbag I now know where they might have got them from…). So now I’ll have to see if I can find any LV to compete with the CC…but I’m not holding out for finding anything ‘real’ any time soon…Unless I’m proven wrong!

Got the bag… Now I ‘need’ another purse…??