It’s a ‘Bazaar’ bargain…

Well not exactly but I recently snapped up a Harper’s Bazaar magazine for just £1 at my local charity shop. I would have really preferred paying just 50p…you can’t have everything I guess…though would like too…at least it was cheaper than the official price of £5 (crikey that’s increased…). It does date from May and the good news is it’s from this year! Wow! Can’t complain about that, also compared to the price of the digital subscription through my phone app it’s even better value and I have to say I do prefer the ‘analogue’ paper version there’s nothing quite like just leafing through a magazine in the flesh! To me the digital just doesn’t measure up (call me old school…) and I even found a mannequin wearing a similar green dress!

the digital magazine version alongside a ‘matching’ green

Inside as depicted on the cover there is a spring has sprung theme with a cacophony of flowers embracing a vibrancy of colour alongside a ‘bursting of freshness’ it was a joy to flick through. With the weather now fully in summer swing I will be looking forward to discovering the delights inside and seeing what in reality I can actually find? No…I doubt I’ll ever find that ‘thrilling’ Dolce & Gabbana turban which took my fancy in a charity shop (though you never know..I might be lucky..!) honestly it seems highly unlikely and possibly only something I can dream of…though I did find a floaty green dress echoing the soft focus photo theme…better than nothing I say! So I’ll keep on looking to see if I can match the ‘bohemian vibe’. I’m sure on my thorough searches I’ll soon come up with ‘something’??!!

the D&G turban no can’t match that yet…. but found a green ‘floaty’ number encapsulating the bohemian vibe