It’s Big Pant’s time!


this lacey number is from my scrapbook glad I found it!

Big pants! Yep, it had to happen sometime Big Knickers/Pants are in! I first noticed this trend a while back…but I thought it might be ‘fashion’s passing phase’ but no! This is not the case! With all the top designers featuring this look in their new collections not as underwear but most shockingly as outerwear…I love the big pants concept, as there is ‘no nonsense’ unlike g-strings & the like (which according to the latest fashion reports are in decline with big pants sales soaring). I first saw the Dolce & Gabbana pants early this year on Fashion One in their S/S 15 show, where numerous models strutted down the catwalk in red embroidered satin it was official the trend for underwear as outerwear had truly begun…

Dolce & Gabbana & Louis Vuitton 2 big brands joining the 'pant's' brigade..

Even though I approve of large knickers as underwear, outerwear this is definitely a look that I would not consider in any shape or form, & I would either get arrested or would need a government health warning issued…so I thought I’d look into what big pants were on offer. For my online search I tried my trusty catalogues but only came across incontinence pants (definitely not what I was looking for). Until I came upon the ‘House of Bath’ site where a profusion of pants gave me ‘some food for thought’ & a fair amount of choice..there was an array of colour’s & styles from lacy (definitely not racy), fitted to loose, mainly in nude’s, pastel’s or white. So at least I found a sound supplier.

my online pants search revealed a good choice at 'The House of Bath'

I then checked on eBay (how I could not..?). Where I found a fair few but not many as I expected..but I did find some flowery ones & a bit more choice in colour’s but I can’t say that I was that excited..I then ‘hit’ the High Street & found some body hugging high waisted ones in Bargain Buys & Bonn Marche was an obvious choice.

the ebay selection I found a bit 'pant's'

' extendee' pants at Bargain Buys

Though with this look, I do decree you won’t be finding me in ‘big pants’ as outerwear, any time soon…&…I’ve not spotted anyone locally, brave enough to get this look…(Though maybe young women wear them for clubbing??) All I can say is ‘pants off’ to this trend or maybe it should be pants on quite firmly..

I first spotted big pants on Fashion One channel..

and now for some more ‘pant’s’ fun!


Photo sources scans – Dolce & Gabbana advert US Tatler Nov 14 Louis Vuitton advert Vogue Mar 15, collage’s House of Bath website. Screenshot from my ebay collection – big pants, photographed my tv from Fashion One S/S 16 Milan highlights