It’s not Versace but…

Well the outside stall that offered the Chanel tea set (covered here was now selling Versace! Yep…you can buy a mug/plate or a bathroom set…though I had to laugh at the famous Medusa logo because on close inspection she looks rather…cross eyed ahhhh! Then! I notice on a quick browse around the shops ‘Versace’ was everywhere! Yes the ‘Versace effect’ was seen all over the humble high Street offerings (though there was one real Versace at TK Maxx).

combine the ‘non real’ with the real via TK Maxx!

So what do I mean by this? Well that distinctive bold, loud ‘clashing’ of prints, and not just any print typically gold jewellery, and architectural details such as scrolls and filigree combined (though not exclusively) with animal print, and no one did it quite like Versace, or has since…

the Versace ‘effect’ is evident here…

His style is so copied it’s become ‘normal’ when actually what he was doing at the time was highly original and innovative and you either loved loved loved it, or hated it with the same passion and I guess that’s the key word to keep in mind passion, there’s certainly no halfway measures here!

‘tops’! for impact!

Now that spring fashion is appearing in the shops (whether we’re ready for it or not..) it looks like the Versace trend is going to be big, from tops and dresses to a variety of bags, this look is not for the fainthearted (like myself) it’s bold, strong and shouts hello! I’m…here!

And if you’re a shrinking violet rather like myself…with this look is it possible to release your inner secret Versace Queen?? I’m not sure…but it will either take a lot of Sherry or a lot of ‘bottle’ to ‘work it’ I guess…Though there’s always an alternative way to twist it to and make it ‘suit’, so though I might not wear it, this doesn’t stop me from enjoying the colour and impact I’ve witnessed locally. It’s time to dream ‘big’ and ‘reach for the stars’ as that seems more realistic than a good…Brexit deal! So it’s no!

I could get ‘lost’ in this pattern courtesy of Primark!

To the indecisiveness and ‘fannying’ around…it’s time for action and nothing quite says it like the Versace look, it’s obviously time to make a statement and take a stand! And even if you just ‘water it’ down to just a top or bag no matter! It’s to hell with subtle this season! Just make sure you’re swinging your gold chains or bag, in the right direction know what I mean?!

don’t be a ‘mug’ get the plate too!!!

Postscript:- wow! on viewing all the images in this post feel like I need to ‘calm’ down and relax with a nice cup of tea…it’s so ‘in yer face’ that I feel some ‘recovery’ period is in order…actually quite exhausting…!