It’s S-no fun…!

I can tell you I’m so over this snow situation, that it’s becoming tedious. Being trapped indoors and not able to travel or walk anywhere without great difficulty…and…why oh why? Didn’t I buy those snowshoe grips I saw in the Charity Shop the other day? The ones I comfortably thought “I’ll never use those” and for only a pound! A mistake! I’m exhausted just going out of doors…it’s a major hassle. Firstly there’s the taking off of the many layers I wear indoors, to change into the many layers I have to wear outdoors. Then there’s the putting on of my freaking winter boots (which is no easy task…when your not a contortionist..) and then bracing myself against the ice cold blast as I open the front door…! So I had to find something to ‘amuse myself’ during this ‘Snowmagaddon’ namely turn myself into a ‘snow beast’ or rather a ‘polar bear’ via a nifty app…scary or what??'s pretty but can be treacherous...!’s pretty but can be treacherous…!

Then taking some shots when I did make it outside, and surprising myself by finding my local ‘Fairytale Castle’…not too far from my road, maybe I should try and venture inside?? Possibly…but it looks like it could be inhabited by the Snow Queen herself, who isn’t known to be too ‘nice’ or ‘welcoming’…think maybe I’ll give that a miss! I just look forward to when the snow melts…and…goes away! Please! How we take for granted our usual ‘no snow state’…don’t think I could survive very long in Norway…Sweden or Finland..or..Scotland come to think of it! Oh well I’m not planning on moving there anyway…ever…unless in the unlikely event of the snow leaving there too! No! Can’t see that happening!