I’ve started so I’ll…

I’ve started so I’ll finish… now its time for a ‘high tea’ instead of a ‘high latte’! So as I am a very keen needle woman my eyes were immediately drawn to this basket of mags recently, at yes you’ve guessed it at a local charity shop…. I mean where else is there to shop these days?? At 10p a pop I armed myself with at least 5 & made for the till…eager to rush home, as I just love cosying up with my afternoon ‘high tea’ & the occasional scone. Double yum! This magazine is from the 80’s & well yes, it does ‘show it’s age in style..& format’ but well that is to be expected.

A time to start A time to finishPictured below is a project for a rather elaborate dressing table cover (how many people have these now?) it’s a frothy, floral , tiered, layered, lace covering with a quilted top looking rather like’ Marie Antoinette’s skirt ‘…I have to admire the work gone into this project & love the touch of the fake fur rug. (Most pleasing..) The whole look has a rather ‘rustic appeal‘. It’s not ‘in vogue’ at present (but you never know this look may come back..possibly..)

A 'frothy' tiered affair...

Other projects that appealed were a pretty flower hair accessory (look’s’ idiot proof’ in the making) also I like the detail of the Japanese umbrella (‘merely’ decorative of course as it wouldn’t last 2 secs here in rainy England..) & the leaf or bow? (take you’re pick) earrings, again look simple enough to achieve..&  check that 80’s high collar blouse very suitable for a high tea I must say!! So just sit, sup & enjoy – the scones on me! (well this time only – from the bakery only – in a ‘no-nonsense’ ‘it’s already done’ fashion…!)

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