Junky Jewellery

It’s clunky, chunky and may be a bit ‘funky’ it’s Junky Jewellery! And…there is no end of this stuff in the Charity Shops. So you’re in for a treat if you’re looking for junky jewellery as there’s piles and piles of it..in fact it might be more accurate to describe that there is mountains of the stuff. I mean I wasn’t even really looking for it, I just decided a while back out of interest to take photos whenever I encountered it, and believe me I had to stop doing it! Otherwise my phone and camera would’ve exploded!

Yep there's piles 'n' piles of it..re-use revamp now!

Yep there’s piles ‘n’ piles of it..re-use revamp now!

It’s discarded, careworn and just a little bit forlorn, lying around..waiting..to be ‘rearranged’, reused and maybe given a new lease of life, because it sure could do with it! It needs to be ‘trending’ right now, just to get it out of the Charity Shops and on to humans…whilst raising money for the Charity in the process, what’s not to like? It’s also cheap, cheap, cheap! So pile it on and think Mr. T, except replace the gold with the ‘junk’…so…maybe I might give it a try soon..watch this space…I mean it’s not like I can’t get hold of this stuff is it??

A typical display it's not just the jewellery that needs a revamp here!

A typical display it’s not just the jewellery that needs a revamp here!