Just look after your ‘selfie’…(sorry…I just don’t get ‘it’…)

While it’s good to think of yourself it’s also good to think of others too. I guess I’m just not from the ‘selfie generation’ as I have no interest whatsoever of taking multiple selfie’s of myself and uploading them to social media (especially when I don’t do social media..!) Despite this I do own a selfie stick…which is now broken…(don’t ask…). Anyway I was first introduced to the notion of a selfie stick a number of years ago, whilst I was in the Tate modern quietly contemplating a Mark Rothko painting…when two young girls entered the room giggling and pointing what appeared to be a big stick at themselves..I was like what…??!! Then I realised they were using the said stick to hold a phone to take photos of themselves…hmmm…not impressed

I won’t be needing these….

In fact I just gazed on in horror to be honest…that it was ‘enjoyable’ somehow…wow how little did I know! That was several years ago now, and well the selfie phenomenon is still going strong despite various people falling off cliffs etc, whilst taking that very ‘important selfie’. Oh well if they died doing it…there you go…(some people just never learn..). Sorry but I don’t want nor need to keep taking pictures of myself from all different angles and then inflicting them onto the world especially now that I’m getting older…like do I need reminding constantly?? I think not! If you look around there is no end of selfie products as my photos here prove. I guess I’m just bemused by the whole situation…where I am much more comfortable looking on as a bystander viewing from a great distance with an extremely long selfie stick that is not pointing in my direction..No…! (and no way..)

or..any of these…either…like no…! Ahhh…..