Lounge where….?

my ebay search was fruitful..Due to enforced bed rest with my continuing flu, I thought back to my childhood in the days when any respectable lady or indeed child (as I was) wore a bed jacket. Yes! A jacket especially for bed! To not have one, was to be totally underdressed…! So I started a search in eBay to see what was on offer…well I can’t say I was disappointed with the selection, from a knitted number, to a rather sheer & far too daring for me, peach ruffled style. My initial search certainly did come up with some goodie’s…floral, white, ribboned or quilted, my requirements were certainly fulfilled. There was a profusion of pink, (which I guess was to be expected)…there was a profusion of pink

& of course I was also excited to search my archives for some further fashion ‘notes’. I was pleased to find that knitted bootee’s came into the mix, a nice & chunky style with a criss cross detail in mauve & pink, very on trend...then I came across a breakfast tray set in brown & orange most suitable for those ‘ill’ mornings & I was doubly excited to find a blue ruffle edged house coat, just right for opening the ‘fan’ mail & sipping my first coffee…my archives revealed some great ideas & looks

I also found pictured here in b&w the traditional nightdress for a no risk option then, Pow! To contrast with this, a patchwork multi coloured ‘happi’ housecoat. That’s the least you can expect to feel wearing this item!! Oh yes!a b&w look or full colour? this 'happi' style will get you going!

Finally a mustard floral print quilted housecoat & nightdress set. Whoa..the model even matches the decor in this pic! Mustard overload time! Though let’s not distract from the ‘comfy chicness’ of this look…yes I might feel ‘smug’ too…Alongside this is a striking sheen & patchwork number in turquoise, very elegant & a real statement piece for lounge wear! mustard or turquoise? hmmm choices choices..

Yes I declare a return to stylish ensembles in this department, & hail! A welcome come back of the bed jacket (no onesie’s need apply – at all!!) Really! I am pleased to denounce such an item in flavour of the return of what I would describe proper nightwear! Oh yes! I’m almost pleased to be bedridden at present..as long as I can ‘do it it style’…wait ‘hold the front page!’ I’ve just found a look that I could not keep to myself…it’s from Pins & Needles magazine 1974 WARNING! This look is not for the faint hearted, it’s pink yes! Bold (check) & very very in your face, though again, she does match the interior decoration…(was that a trend back then?) I think I need some mild tea now to calm down!!! Just remember you heard it hear first ‘Bedjackets ago go’ & ‘luscious loungewear’ on the return!!

bring out your 'brightside'