‘Mask’ it….
Well in these days of distancing you not only have to keep away from others you‘ve got to keep yourself covered too…not exactly news I know…but at least there is quite a variety of masks and face coverings available. So from the government at the beginning of the crisis saying “masks were not necessary“, they (as I suspected…) did a typical governmental U-turn, becoming compulsory in many settings. I don‘t really have a problem as such with wearing one except well at times it can be very hard to breathe…and if you‘re wearing glasses at the same time forget it! Talk about steaming up!! I‘ve not found an answer to that problem yet… = how to wear glasses and a mask without some difficulties…Though maybe I have an answer with the diamante face visor pictured above, much less likely to get steamed up I believe….(and…the glasses are inclusive…) alongside is the more typical yet attractive print face mask so will my eyes look that pretty wearing them? Not convinced….so I am presenting here some of the masks I came across recently. The first two were more on the ‘pretty’ side of things and the visor very ‘space age’…(call me ‘old fashioned’ I know but…)
At the other extreme and more the ‘scary’ approach with the not very subtle skull and cross bones…and the joker’s smile? Sculls and skeleton maybe adding a bit of black humour? Then ‘morphs’ which are good idea as you don‘t have to keep taking them off and putting them on again…maybe I‘ll get one? Seems very convenient I have to say and at least there back in stock locally!
I also found some rather ‘glitzy’ ones two for £16 a possibility maybe…though rather a tad expensive for me think I’d rather have a go and make them myself…
There‘s even a vending machine selling them now ‘called ‘Maskey’…not very imaginative but goes with the territory and on the market I found a cotton one with ‘pull strings’ like wow…online…which just ‘popped up’ on my phone a gold sequin mask, though it doesn‘t look like the model is wearing it just looks like it‘s been stuck on, therefore not convinced…anyway there are a lot on offer, I just need to decide which way to go….??? Hopefully I’ll be able to see as long as my glasses aren’t steamed up...yikes….!