Passion for Purple…love it? hate it?

A quick trail around my usual charity shops I made a connection = the colour purple and not the book or film (not that they aren’t important) but I purely mean the colour purple itself with items from as little as 25p (the Shhh…sleep mask) to £5 for the rather disturbing Wolf bag. Also not the only bag, as I found a purple metallic one with silver motif, a woolly hat and a flower print cosmetic purse for £2.00. Okay so not everything was purple I came across on my venture but it is a connecting theme at least. It’s a very strong colour associated with spirituality, religion, nobility, luxury, mourning and in some cases oppression (including the purple wallpaper from my childhood which dorned the whole hallway) and actually had quite a suffocating effect. Though I’m not holding that against the colour purple as I rather like its boldness and strength, pink it certainly isn’t thank goodness.

the wolf bag…and flower purse, purple fuses these separate entities together & they are also from a charity shop!

To me it also represents valour and unity, it really can be a statement it’s just so vivid and alive. You just can’t ignore it…because of its intensity its ideal as either an accessory or that top to brighten up the grey. Obviously it’s not for everyone but to me in small doses it’s just perfect, it goes well with black, grey as mentioned, compliments blue well, contrasts with green (use advisingly…) orange,brown and yes it can be used alongside pink. In nature it’s abundant in flowers and actually the original colour of carrots! (can’t really imagine that now…). It’s definitely not a boring colour and isn’t easily dismissed.

purple Rockette nails and hairband though if I wore it would probably look like fancy dress…

I’m not sure if it’s ‘trending’ or ‘in fashion’ at all but it’s definitely a colour I applaud. Its versatility and range is immense, outside of the charity shop I spotted a fierce purple false nail set called Rockettes and a purple metallic hairband. Go together? Why not? Though maybe not on me otherwise I’d look like I’m impersonating a tarot reader or the like! (and no I don’t mean to stereotype here but it’s just what came to mind…). Well I guess I love it though I don’t think I’ll be wearing purple shoes any time soon? Have to be honest haven’t spotted any…yet!