R U a ‘Knit’? A ‘Ladylike’ approach to winter warmers…

knitRuaKnitNow that the weather has definitely turned to a chill it’s time to get out those warm & cosy jumpers, cardigans, hats & scarfs…& if you don’t have them it’s time to start looking pronto! There is no time to waste & if you are a knitter then you’d better get ‘double knitting’ double fast!! I did attempt to be a knitter a while ago during the ‘stitch & bitch’ phenomenon…whilst I found knitting very comforting I was pretty useless to say the least, but my knitting appears as borders to these pics so not a total waste!! I have delved into my knitting pattern archives & have selected looks that I would describe as very ‘ladylike’ yet chic & timeless, so no random approach here! I did find images that reminded me strongly of the very influential ‘Gucci look’ & decided that I would try & pick looks that favour this style. (see my Gucci Up post here https://philippanestie.com/gucci-up-2/).

The red & the black lady style this is ticking the boxes!

The first look is a red jacket with very large black buttons, which becomes the epitome of lady chic with the addition of suitable gloves, handbag, hat, & herringbone skirt, all these ‘little touch’s’ which make up the whole are essential. Next is the pastel blue jumper & skirt suit with a collar & tie detail on the jumper, very elegant…& a lovely colour choice too! (& obviously great for posing in front of your car too!).

pastel blue it's Lady Chic too!

Another suit follows, a ‘minty’ green number with a button up top featuring pockets & a cowl neck. The styling of the hair is most appropriate & adding a detail of a red hair accessory really tops this look! Hmmm..tres chic!

this 'minty green' suit is sheer elegance..the hair styling perfection

I was very excited finding this pattern of a pretty chunky knit lilac jumper worn with – ‘fashion note’ – a sky blue headscarf – very ‘Gucci’, very ‘current’. The image is romantic & what is the model contemplating? A proposal?? Or the Christmas shopping that needs to be done asap

this model is looking very 'Gucci chic' whilst musing over a romantic proposal perhaps?

& there is ‘no escape from lilac’ with my next selection of a very pretty lilac ‘mini-ish’ dress with white openwork knit detail on the waist & sleeves, it’s another ‘romantic’ image – is she also pondering over a proposal?? Of some kind? (I like the mystery & beauty this image achieves..)

continuing with lilac another romantic image..

A ‘white out’ is next with this glamorous knitted dress, with a rather daring openwork centre & matching sleeves, bang on trend I would say!!

it's lady chic 'sexy' with just a 'bit on show'..

For a more ‘covered’ look may I present a very nifty matching jumper & waistcoat set, using the complementary colours of khaki & beige in a shade I would like to introduce as ‘Viscous Biscuit‘. (Yep, you heard it here first). With gold buttons & a simple yet elegant stripe pattern, this is a look that could walk the runway today! Oh, yes!

who said waistcoat's can't be worn eh?

it’s ‘Viscous’ it’s Biscuit it’s Beige!

‘Co-ordinate in the country’ & why not? With this cerise bat wing & folded collared jumper, complete with print headscarf & yellow leather gloves, again very ‘lady chic’ & very Gucci style oh yes! (So I wonder am I picking up a ”fashion vibe?” Is lady chic back??) Hmmm I think it could be, I can feel it in the ‘ether’ (& my water too come to think of it…).

bat wings beware! it's time to 'Gucci Up' again with this look!

My final pic is fun, an Arran jumper & red scarf complete with a man in a lifesaver jacket! Not bad eh? This grinning twosome certainly look like they are sharing a good time, & it looks like the lady does not need saving in this ‘fashion sea’. So jump aboard! Or you may find yourself cast adrift & outside of this ‘fashion wave’…I know it’s a current, I really don’t want to miss!

which one is the 'life saver'? the jumper the scarf or the man in the yellow jacket??

Picture credits Red jacket pic Woman’s Own supplement Oct 7th year? Also blue suit & lilac jumper pic, mint green suit Stitchcraft Oct 1965, white knitted dress Stitchcraft  May 1969, beige waistcoat set & lilac dress Pins & Needles April 1969, bat wing jumper & final pic both individual Sirdar knitting patterns.