Vibrant for Valentine’s day!

Red-HotSo Marianne is looking ‘red hot’ for Valentine’s Day & she’s certainly no shrinking violet… more like an intense vibrant red rose of Valentine’s day romance and love fire! So how did she create this ‘look of love’?? With my help of course!! The punchy red 80’s influenced dress (very) was yep, you guessed it, a charity shop special at £2.99, the matching tights were £1.99 from eBay, the gold clutch bag (rather fetching I thought) £1.25 again from a charity shop, as were the gold bangles £1 for the lot (a 3 for a £1 deal! Hurray!).

Marianne is 'on fire' in this vibrant look that is certainly 'Red Hot'!

The thick gold chain and large gold mesh necklace were from Poundland (& you know the price..!). All 3 red necklaces were from the Isle of Man table sale total £1.20, and finally the red rose was from the 99p shop, making a grand total of £11.42! Not bad for a whole new look! So where is she going? And whom will she see? That is the I don’t have a clue…all I know is she really is embracing this day dedicated to celebrating all things romantic, and if you don’t have a Valentine for today never mind to hell with convention!

getting to the 'details' a close up on these hot accessories it's bold bold bold!

Just do what you want – so buy yourself that box of chocolates that no one else bothered to get, and find that slushy film or whatever makes you feel good and indulge yourself, you deserve it! After all, if you don’t make yourself number one no one else will!! So I’m taking my cue from Marianne and maybe I’ll eat a huge strawberry cream cake and watch Dirty Dancing for the umpteenth time…no on second thoughts, I’m getting more drawn to Jane Austen now, anyone spotted Mr Darcy recently?? Don’t suppose he’s been seen looking around the 99p shop for a plastic rose?? If so, he will find one!

‘Trend Alert!’ exciting update just looked in my March Hello Fashion Magazine (pic’s below..) and in the Agenda section there’s a feature on ‘Wild Brights’ hi-lighting the new trend for bright intense impact colours with guess what? ‘Red being hailed as the new killer colour’ and wait there’s more ‘Modern Mesh’ ‘this season’s never-ending sports luxe’ well check the gold mesh necklace!

follow your heart's desire on this day! Marianne is..but it's still a 'mystery'...

The Poundland necklace by 'Purple Ivy' very 'Alexis Colby'...

what do you know? we're 'bang on trend' yet again! Hail Marianne!