‘Romance isn’t ‘dead’..’embrace’ Val’s day…?

It’s that time of year, chocolates, roses & hearts ‘everywhere’, a time of ‘joy’ & anxiety…from one extreme to another, your’re either for it or against it, up or down, happy or very disappointed, it’s hard to totally ignore...(though I believe you can, by of course taking my ‘no nonsense’ approach that it doesn’t mean a fig – its commercialised romance after all so with some effort it can be ‘side stepped’ & basically ‘obliterated’…give it a ‘whirl’..not easy but worth ‘a go’) but to try & ‘get in the spirit’ as it were, I’m posting this picture of a local statue which I feel embodies what Valentine’s day is ‘supposed’ to be about (I’ve also took the oppo of adding some rather fetching rose petals via my snazzy new camera phone, the ‘wonders of modern technology’ that I am discovering in my own way & very easy too! Yes I am catching up folks!)Roses 'grow on you'..

Well going back to ‘today’ what I can say is, all that came through my postbox was my catalogue bill & a pizza flyer…Oh well it looks like that box of cheap choc’s I bought will now come in handy as I ‘drown my sorrows of a no Val day card’ where are my ‘secret’ admirers I might ask?? Some where in the ‘woodshed’ I suppose…..so I’ll just have to ‘take heart‘ in the fact ‘I won’t be alone..’ I now need to find a good Tvm to snuggle down to whilst I munch on those choc’s… who said ‘romance isn’t dead?’ It certainly ‘wasn’t me’….yet!..

Chocolates hearts..better than 'nowt'