‘Say No! To The Dress’ – the end of ‘Friday Brideday’…

Very bad news...looks like it could be the end of Say Yes to the Dress....

So it looks like it will be ‘Say No! To The Dress’ from now on…recently I was wondering what was happening with ’Friday Brideday’ on TLC channel? There were no ‘new’ episodes coming up, so I did a search online & checked the TLC website. I managed to find their Bridal page but there was nothing bridal on it…except one programme that already had been on beforeso very dismayed I emailed TLC to ask, what was happening with Say Yes to the Dress, I Found the Gown, Something Borrowed Something New and Bride by Design my favourite bridal programmes?looks like it will be the last we will see of this 'twirling' lady from the titles..

To my surprise they quickly responded saying that “Unfortunately after doing a search on our database for upcoming programmes none of the said programmes were to be scheduled..”. After receiving this terrible news I was like what this can’t be happening…. canceling bridal It’s just not possible! As an ‘avid fan’ for over a year to cancel on me now is extremely hard to take…I’m addicted to all things bridal on TLC…and now I’m having a ‘bridal breakdown’. To think there is no further scheduling ahead, I just can’t believe this is happening! How can you cancel a program that has 16 million Facebook likes? (Not that I normally resort to using this sort of data but..) it just doesn’t make sense.  Watching these programs was very comforting & I managed forget all my issues (which does lead to a long list of complaints…). Therefore it was essential to my health and now my ‘medicine’ was being taken away…I am addicted to bridal and they are refusing me my ‘drug’

me before my bridal 'transformation'

With this devastating news in my mind I decided to get ‘appy’ with it and headed to the Play Store. Well I downloaded a few apps to quench my ‘bridal thirst’ with an idea if I can’t watch Bridal I can be ‘Bridal’ and transform myself into a ‘blushing bride’..it was the only way that I could make myself feel any better about this sad news. So I set to work with my apps and even though I was happy with the results it still didn’t make up for the loss I’m experiencing…

So very sadly it’s goodbye to ‘’Friday Brideday”. You were a great friend that comforted me from all my woes..(well for a least half an hour at a time). Though this will not stop me being enthusiastic for anything bridal, it just means I will have to look harder and further afield…well it was great because it was all ‘on tap’ now what am I going to watch late at night? The criteria is – it has to be ‘comforting’ & ‘escapist’ but just as at yet I can’t find a thing that ticks those boxes…any ideas?? It could ‘save’ my life…!

I was looking decidely 'Jane Austen' with this hair 'frolic'