Scrap it! (or maybe not…)
- a typical page from my scrapbook
- from the bizarre to crime I rip it out..
- a fashion angle here
So even though I am committed to exploring the digital world it is still nice to ground oneself in the physical world, and what better way of doing it than getting ‘down & dirty’ (as it were..), with paper scissors and glue? I am a ‘non serious scrapbooker’, (so not one of those who take the whole scrapbooking world like a religion as it were…) and I update my scrapbook every now and then with any news or magazine images and articles that have caught my eye…(I know..very ‘analogue’ of me…)
These cuttings (or rather ripping’s in my case…) are ephemera ‘here one day and gone the next’, never to be re-produced in exactly the same way. Never to be arranged or compiled in the way you decide or feel. I’m personally attracted to ‘fashion images’ in the press, bizarre stories, and crime, plus I must say I also enjoy a good headline like “How To Still Look Good Knackered ” and “Barbie Is Destroying the Rainforest ” (if that if that isn’t a damning statement I don’t know what is…)
I also like non serious articles like a cat with a diamond tooth..(and why not??). Therefore I will definitely continue my hobby (I do have a few now…) where today’s ‘news is tomorrow’s chip paper’ is not always necessarily the case… In fact what I or you are actually doing, is recording ‘social history’…and whose to know how ‘interesting’ my scrapbook or your scrapbook will be in future?? So keep on scrapbooking or rather ‘Carry on Scrapbooking’, and again, get out the paper scissors and glue, you never know where it might lead…chip’s anyone?