Scrunch it…!

So I nearly posted this on Friday but didn’t get the time…with “Thank Scrunchie it’s Friday”, in ode to the old Crunchie advert “Thank Crunchie it’s Friday”, though that honeycomb middle did stick to your teeth and felt like it instantly rotted them, so even though I love Crunchies I avoided them often no matter the temptation! Any way back to Scrunchies = means yet again back to the 1980’s (don’t believe they were around in the 1970’s?) I hope not as there are certain items I cannot and will not tolerate hitting my favourite of decades. So on browsing a magazine in some waiting room or other I saw an article about a Netflix programme with a reference to the female lead wearing….god forbid a hair scrunchie! How violent and inconsiderate of her to attack our senses with such an item! Anyway the good news is I don’t have Netflix and probably never will, as anything that people ‘bang on about how great it is’ I avoid like the plague. Well thinking back to Scrunchies in the 1980’s I remember I did not (i.e. knot..) have a good time with them as they kept sliding off! Which kind of defeats the point of in tying your hair back to keep it in place! So I had a bit of a horror/shock moment with the thought that they are back now, well good luck to that as I never could get them to work, but then thought well give it a try? So I went down and bought a set from Primark for my model Marianne (as from my picture you can see my wig won’t need a Scrunchie and would look insane…) so it seems that time has not improved the Scrunchie (at least the ones I bought…). As they would not hold Marianne’s hair back and I had to pin it for the photo above. So they are definitely going back!

pleated, satin, velvet, checked, glittery think that just about covers it…

Whilst I was out I didn’t have to hunt for Scrunchies at all, they were literally piles of them, all different colours and textures I was totally spoilt for choice. There were velvet ones, glittery ones, multicoloured, pleated, crushed, looped, printed I mean it was endless…so they must be popular. Though haven’t really noticed anyone wearing one yet…so will see if this trend is just ‘Summer Madness’ or whether it will extend to Autumn/Winter…be curious to know that…anyway must go now to return those Scrunchies!

let’s not forget the looped ones as they were quite unusual