Shut up…Shop?
A year ago I did a post called “My High Street is closing down” where I detailed how quite a few shops on my local High Street had closed..Now with the recent news of Toys ‘R’ Us and Maplin going into administration the question is still very relevant. Over the year a small number of shops opened but quickly shut down soon after…such as a boutique named ‘Bliss’ (obviously it was far from that for the poor owners)…and I heard that in a neighbouring town the Marks & Spencer is also closing.…
Oh dear! This situation really does not bode well at all for the future of the High Street and it makes me wonder whether there is a future? If so what will remain? Pound shops and Charity Shops if we’re ‘lucky’? It’s all rather depressing…I mean where will we go? Online only? Oh no! Especially for clothes and shoes, as from my experience most get returned…also this death knell does not look good for the future of mannequins either, who seriously need a ‘reboot’ from their anonymous, faceless and bland selves. I suppose I’ll have to make the ‘most’ of it while it lasts…though I have to say I will truly miss going somewhere and where will I take pictures now? This is another problem I’ve got..will shops just be ‘virtual reality’ and the staff holograms? I certainly hope not because if it is the future of fashion will truly be ‘faceless’.