Slippers of ‘safety’…

Now been ill for a week have to say getting rather bored of it…got some horrible bout of the flu and I’m also fed up now with drinking Lemslip but it does help, so no energy at all until now to do anything…though have enjoyed quite a few TVM’s especially last night’s ‘Nightmare Nurse’! How very appropriate…I do ‘love’ a good ‘psycho’ and with a TVM you know it will be totally alright in the end and there’s no need to worry at all…

the slipper boot is very popular I approve though not sure about the ballet style one’s..

Well what have I got to show or say? Not a great deal since I’ve been stuck in the house for a week…though I thought I’d look at getting some new slippers, something very cosy, safe, warm & dare I say it ‘snuggly’ (and that’s not Norwegian or Danish and we got there first anyway..]. Though I don’t think the solemate’s automatic massage slippers will be available anymore…(see here…] So I’ll have to make do with whatever is available and on looking around it seems that the style of ‘slipper boot’s’ are all the rage, very good for covering the ankle at the very least and I found quite a range from faux fur, sequinned, animal print and knitted ones (my fave’s] so I can’t ‘complain’…(though there is always room for improvement..isn’t there?}.

you can always fall back on the regular slip on variety…

There was of course your more traditional ‘slip on’ one’s again in faux fur, but also faux sheepskin and probably a myriad of others I walked past. There were ‘silly slippers’, not my kind of thing at all including a knitted rabbit? With the advantage of being machine washable which leads me to the slipper’s I spotted in my ‘trusty’ catalogue also washable but rather challenged on the style front…though it seems despite this these types of slipper just won’t go away! Classics?? 

these were my fave’s the knitted kind though is that a rabbit??

Which brings me to something I’ve just thought of…how about some ‘smart’ slippers? Not seen any of those…(though the main thing is as long as it says the word ‘smart’…does it matter what they do??] or maybe ones that do the cleaning as you walk around the house…? That brings a whole new meaning to the word ‘smart’…doesn’t it?

the ‘trusty’ catalogue slippers v the more modern boot style