Stay cool….whilst it’s hot

With the weather being super hot this last week and feeling I could melt most days my mind turned to ways to stay cool whilst hoping for a nice sea breeze, of course I thought ‘fashion’ though at my age even the thought of wearing a bikini (though it would be a lot cooler) is definately off my fashion ‘menu’. I’m not saying that the ‘older lady’ like myself can’t wear one, it’s just that it’s waay…..out of my comfort zone…so a fashion no no for me! It is hard to keep cool if I ‘have’ to cover up…oh well there are just some sacrifices you have to live with (like keeping my modesty and not creating a national outrage!) . There’s nothing like having a refreshing splash in the sea, but to be honest it’s been way too hot to even have the energy. Summer clothes are not my favourite there is far too much flesh on show…call me a prude, I really don’t care all I know is stick to what you feel comfortable with…I really can’t walk half naked at my time of life not a good look…!

nice & cool sandals with just a nice touch of embellishment oh and the straw hat v useful in this heat

So the threatened storms didn’t really arrive in the dramatic way I was expecting at the end of this week…never mind there was some good lightning strikes but very little thunder and just a bit of rain so not the drama or ‘romance’ I was hoping for (think Heathcliff being drenched in Wuthering Heights..). Well at least there were a few shops open to browse and find some fashion for now like the two mannequins I came across that fit very well with this heatwave, though the one with the neon pink wig and pink parrot top you’d have to be brave or live in Miami!? The other mannequins look would suit me better – low key, comfortable and cool with shades, straw hat and pretty floral sleeveless dress (though still would have to grit my teeth as I generally don’t ‘do’ dresses at all…ahhhh) . Also found a beach scene holiday case great for going no where at the minute and just enjoy the staycation which did exist before all this kicked off!! Therefore now I’m just going to put my feet up and enjoy a tequila coffee…yep just made that one up…!! Though have to say it sounds pretty good…!

not brave enough for the glowing neon pink so I’m going for the mannequin on the right’s more gentle look and will take the case…