
With all the very bad news, the scary news dare I even say the Cxxxxx virus word? It’s all getting a bit much for me…I just can’t deal with it…Life is becoming like an episode from the 1970’s TV series Survivors (also I think there has been a recent remake?). Anyway with people acting ‘crazy’ you’re likely to be mugged for your hand gel if you were lucky enough to get some, or like me have an old one rattling around at the bottom of my handbag…now in full use. I therefore decided to take a look at the Good News Network app, where you will find articles focusing on good things that are happening…Wow! That’s amazing…Really? So it’s not all bad news…? Because good news does not ‘ make the news’ at all and is generally ignored, segregated to the sidelines to some obscure or low-level platform until…now! Ha ha ha ha…! Well what is the ‘good’ news? One article that caught my eye was about a student who recovered left behind tents from Festival’s and made them into clothing for his fashion graduation, a very good use of abandoned material not to be wasted! (Yes I know it won’t make the headlines will it…?). Though there is another use!

free tents = good news…but not everyone is happy…

Tents for the homeless as pictured here have been resident near me on and off the last couple of years. Okay the fact that people are having to live in tents due to the housing crisis is not good news at all, but getting a free tent is! It doesn’t solve the problem but does offer some small respite for those in a very difficult situation. Despite the very terrible news surrounding this virus we must get things into a bit of perspective and not forget those you are still in need. The tents near me pop up all over the place even in a car park…One of the regular spots is the local churchyard. Where it seems the church is in no hurry to move them on…The other day I found a rather novel? Or more to the point disturbing way of drying your sleeping bag. I think the picture here says it all…A sign of the times and a portent of what is about to come? I sincerely hope not…

Needs must…?!