fashion ideas


I know fashion is circular but seriously the amount of returns generated by online shopping must be astronomical! So I’m just basing this on my retail work experience and (I would say fairly moderate online shopping) as I would much rather go to a store whenever I can…but with physical stores diminishing at a rapid Read More

A ‘mixed’ bag…

So out of the darkness of lockdown my first foray into nonessential shops opening happily commenced. As I walked down the main road en route to one of my favourite Charity Shops, the tedium of the trudge along the car filled landscape was eventually relieved…across the horizon I spotted that the second-hand shop was open! Read More

Worth a ‘second’ look…

Whilst scrolling on my phone I read with interest that “second-hand fashion is set to surge in coming years” and “could overtake fast fashion”, hello? have they not seen my blog??! LOL! With environmental concerns it’s the obvious choice and anything that puts fast fashion in its place has to be a good thing…but to Read More

The Red Shoes

Looking at an app on my phone to check out what’s trending…I’ve decided to ‘sidestep’ or ‘swipe past’ the whole ‘Christmas story’, I’m just going to ignore it as much as I can, not easy and almost impossible…but in a report regarding new trends for 2020 apparently red shoes are going to be ‘big’. This Read More

It’s not Versace but…

Well the outside stall that offered the Chanel tea set (covered here was now selling Versace! Yep…you can buy a mug/plate or a bathroom set…though I had to laugh at the famous Medusa logo because on close inspection she looks rather…cross eyed ahhhh! Then! I notice on a quick browse around the shops ‘Versace’ Read More

Badly drawn lips….

Browsing through one of those free fashion magazines I came across a trend that I have not seen before ‘missed a bit lips’ I’m like…what? Though it immediately brought to mind various mannequins I’ve spotted with a very similar though unintentional  look (also nowhere near as neat…more ‘edgy’ and ‘crooked’ shall we say…) more scratched on and Read More