
Customer service? Don’t make me laugh….

Please don’t make me LOL especially when it comes to anything apart from walking into an actual shop. No its ‘services’ from mobile providers, energy companies, ‘communications’, insurance (especially) banks, online retailers even the council. One thing they all seem to provide is utter frustration and total anger. “Your call is important to us”, well Read More

Badly drawn lips….

Browsing through one of those free fashion magazines I came across a trend that I have not seen before ‘missed a bit lips’ I’m like…what? Though it immediately brought to mind various mannequins I’ve spotted with a very similar though unintentional  look (also nowhere near as neat…more ‘edgy’ and ‘crooked’ shall we say…) more scratched on and Read More


As most things with an ‘i’ prefaced either aim/become ‘trendy’ or belong to Apple, I’ve decided ‘i.protest’ at this state of affairs. ‘i’ protest against a lot of things but I protest especially sticking an i in front of a word or saying in that somehow that makes it appear more ‘relevant’ or dare I Read More

When it’s gone…it’s gone…

‘Strange’ museum displays, ‘spooky’ shop windows, wig’s on sideways, missing limbs, crinkly clothes, dusty appearance, an occasional ‘musty’ smell, and dynamic poses…what might I be describing? Well it’s those favourite’s of mine…mannequins! Sadly it seems they are disappearing fast…so what is to be done about it? Times are a changing with minimalism, clean lines, and Read More

‘Rockin’ in Romford!

Feeling the need for a ‘bit of a change’, I decided that a day out was required, a ‘change of scenery’, to experience ‘new sights and sounds’, to blow away the cobwebs (or maybe blast away in this case..). Therefore I decided to take a short(ish) train journey to another Essex town, rather different from Read More

I say…’Slogan it’…

Slogan it! I say or rather that’s the message I’m getting from browsing my local High Street shops, especially as we are now entering the Summer season, ready-made slogans are a plenty. From the most obvious on T-shirts, to bag’s, badge’s, sweatshirts, leggings, make-up bags, even mirrors. The amount of places you can ‘slogan’ seems endless…so Read More