
To tag or not to tag?

That is the question…and…the answer is…to tag! Based on my recent rounds of the shops, traditionally it was the luxury retailers with high value items that were tagged; now even budget retailers like Peacocks, tag their products to prevent theft. Although it won’t stop all thieves with a variety of tools that can be purchased Read More

Going against the ‘grain’…

With a lot of personal matters and deadlines to deal with in January the new year has started slowly for me. Despite that, I have been actively adding to my ‘portfolio’. Before Christmas I went out with the aim of documenting the decline of ‘real’ retail using my new 68-megapixel camera. It was low cost Read More


I know fashion is circular but seriously the amount of returns generated by online shopping must be astronomical! So I’m just basing this on my retail work experience and (I would say fairly moderate online shopping) as I would much rather go to a store whenever I can…but with physical stores diminishing at a rapid Read More

A ‘mixed’ bag…

So out of the darkness of lockdown my first foray into nonessential shops opening happily commenced. As I walked down the main road en route to one of my favourite Charity Shops, the tedium of the trudge along the car filled landscape was eventually relieved…across the horizon I spotted that the second-hand shop was open! Read More

Worth a ‘second’ look…

Whilst scrolling on my phone I read with interest that “second-hand fashion is set to surge in coming years” and “could overtake fast fashion”, hello? have they not seen my blog??! LOL! With environmental concerns it’s the obvious choice and anything that puts fast fashion in its place has to be a good thing…but to Read More

It’s not Versace but…

Well the outside stall that offered the Chanel tea set (covered here was now selling Versace! Yep…you can buy a mug/plate or a bathroom set…though I had to laugh at the famous Medusa logo because on close inspection she looks rather…cross eyed ahhhh! Then! I notice on a quick browse around the shops ‘Versace’ Read More

Animal Power

It’s a print that never goes out of fashion ever, its eternal and you can mix and match it with almost anything, it is of course and needs ‘no introduction’ Animal Print. Yes that ‘ol chestnut’ is in fashion again (though most will be ‘bewildered’ by this as it never really goes ‘out’) it’s always Read More