WTH….Charlie’s Angels??!!

So there I was thinking I was ‘safe’ home alone watching re-runs of Charlie’s Angels on the Sony channel (a favourite of mine from childhood..explains a lot…) when midst a ‘Redwine glare’ a horrid and grotesque face flickered on and off the screen…was I ‘seeing things’? Was that a mirage? What the hell…was…that? ‘Chilled to Read More

I ‘need’ my ‘Fashion Fix’!

So ironically, just as I posted a reflection of my deflated feelings regarding Fashion One’s Bridal ‘Special’ last Weekend, I clicked on to the Channel later that day when nothing appears except…a black screen with “This Service is Currently Unavailable”. What? Where has it gone? Whoa..! A TV channel can disappear with no warning? No ‘build-up’, Read More