To tag or not to tag?

That is the question…and…the answer tag! Based on my recent rounds of the shops, traditionally it was the luxury retailers with high value items that were tagged; now even budget retailers like Peacocks, tag their products to prevent theft. Although it won’t stop all thieves with a variety of tools that can be purchased to remove the tags or in police terms, ‘going equipped’ including of course the famous foil lined bag also classified as ‘going equipped’ commonly known as a ‘booster’ bag. I guess trying to explain why you have your shopping bag foil lined for legitimate reasons would be rather difficult, a self-made freezer bag perhaps? Or prevent alien intervention?  I find the world of shoplifting fascinating. The ingenuity of the thieves is quite fantastic, from concealed pockets in bags and trousers to people even using coffee cups. With a recent increase in shoplifting according to most news reports, it isn’t surprising though rather depressing to have basic toiletries under lock and key, namely in the US. Personally I haven’t seen that over here yet apart from razors and I really hope I won’t. It would be a very inconvenient way to purchase toothpaste for example; therefore I pray that this trend doesn’t reach our shores. But tagging products is definitely on the increase, as is smash and grab raids. I can name two recently near me one at Curry’s and the other at the Three shop targeting smart phones unsurprisingly.

budget retailers ‘on board’ with the tags…

A quick browse on eBay and Amazon I found I can order de-tagging hooks and magnets, so Ive added them to my list. Not that Im planning to shoplift any time soon! Im just interested in seeing how long they will be available, though they can be used for legitimate reasonslike the unfortunate time I had one attached to a bag I bought whilst I was on holiday. Wondered why there was a blaze of alarms everywhere I went…! I finally managed to pry it off with a screwdriver in my own time at home. I certainly wouldnt fancy trying that in a shop with security guards and sales assistants looming! Then there is the self scan tills, here many retailers have upped their game where you have to lift each product to scan with cameras filming you while you do so. Wow, that really is too much for me and taking it way too far. Also a breach ofprivacywho wants to look at themselves while scanning shopping in the harshest and most unflattering light? Anyone? I dont like it and I object to being treated like acriminal’, being constantly followed by security in my local Tesco and the BP garage. Where interestingly someone was caught for committing a total of 30 thefts within three weeks! (Obviously despite following them they didnt detect it for ages…). We live in a world of constant surveillance and mistrust, ‘welcome’ toBig BrotherBritain. Nothingnew’ there I guess, which is why I relish those little charity shops where rummaging is allowed and no cameras or security follow you everywhere. A rare occurrence these days sadly