Trick or…treat?

Well…to be honest sometimes I’m only in a mood for a treat and then sometimes a trick if I’m in that ‘devilish’ frame of mind.  Love it or hate it it’s impossible to ignore Halloween…and it’s not going to go away no matter how much you wish it so…what do you do? If you hate it maybe wear blinkers or some ‘special glasses’ which block out all Halloween references whilst shopping (no they don’t exist yet…well as far as I know anyway) but well actually I rather like it, though not all of it.

I’m not ‘clowning’ around with that look!! Avoid! Going to get the nails instead…

Back in the day it was just a case of toffee apples, some scary ghost stories, flicking a light switch on and off and playing bobbing the Apple game (which was great fun). Now it’s gone into overdrive with the amount of Halloween items available and of course the local charity shops did not let me down where I found extra long black nails and fake eyelashes so I can bat my eyes about in a ‘disturbing’ manner (like what’s new?). I then entered Superdrug and at the entrance there was a very striking poster of a colourful clown make up though have to say I hate clowns, I know they have their place somewhere but I’d rather avoid the whole ‘clown situation’, (and I’m not saying this because it’s now ‘fashionable’ which I’ve been accused of…I’ve never liked them…honest! Sorry clowns!) though I did spot at Poundstretcher some rather fine glow-in-the-dark nail polish in a suitably lurid yellow…then what to wear?

  I wanted a purple wig but there was only a pink one and the dress did not amaze me there was no ‘wow’ factor ahhh…!

A wig of course but there weren’t any purple ones dam…only pink it says ‘luxury’ on the label but it looks anything but…though sticking ‘cheap and nasty’ on wouldn’t really be a great selling point would it? Or am I wrong? (Wow I think I’ve hit on an idea there…?) Then there was a witch dress and hat which was very ‘Samantha’ from Bewitched not exactly inspiring or imaginative but a great programme to watch! I then came across some dripping blood false nails which were reasonably convincing and well ticks that box also found ‘the answer’ in a ‘Trick or Treat’ make up set but…

The nails were very Hammer Horror which I liked! And the trick-or-treat make up kit I’m still undecided…

I would have to buy it for myself so would it be a trick or treat I wonder? Hmmm..I wonder…who ‘owes’ me…?