Update re my last visit to the Charity Shop

Well thought I’d do an update to the ‘Last time I went to the Charity Shop’…and have to report there really is not a lot going on, I think about 25-30% of the usual shops I use to go to have either not re-opened yet or have shut down for good..which is very bad news for someone like myself and probably a whole lot of other people too…though the upside despite all the shut downs there are some open which is really something to celebrate! Especially with all the ‘normal’ High Street shops who have been battered by a whole raft of obstacles over recent years before finally sucumming because of the Corona crisis, so…Charity Shops and Second Hand Shops are the ‘way to go’. Some landlords would rather have them filling the space at a reduced rent then remain empty, another ‘epidemic’ that has spread across the UK before the lockdown..oh dear what to do? Well just keep going out and support those that have managed to re-open and help them prosper, no one at the minute can look very far into the future with what is going on…only try and survive this somehow and keep well…and keep sane if possible! Which I am doing by continuing what I started..what did I come across at first? Two canvas bags (both better for the environment then plastic by a long way..) and a unused hair riser. Yep one of those items that seem at good idea at the time..

the RSPCA dog is a total icon! The stall was outside a closed shop…is the ‘new normal’…?

My trusty local RSPCA shop keeps continuing with it’s iconic dog collection statue hear hear! Then another shop was closed but a stall was set up outside with no one attending so I wasn’t sure if the items were free or you just left money or….??? The shape of things to come now?? With everything up in the air and totally hap-hazard as we grapple with this global crisis…oh dear time to distract myself before I lose it, just have to keep plodding on somehow or what else to do? Give up?? I don’t have the answers who does…? Anyway back to the matter in hand…so on I strove to look and search find something to inspire me.

a spinner’s wheel & a chocolate money bag…nothing in common but there you are…

When yes I did find something that inspired me a spinner’s wheel and really for a Charity Shop a fairly rare item and oh a chocolate money handbag…a novel item can’t say anymore then that apart from pop art comes to mind…well I’ll just keep on ‘trucking’ as they say…as what excites me despite all this you never know what you’ll find and I haven’t even got round to checking out the car boot sales yet…! (Providing they remain open….let’s sincerely hope so…).