Very Vintage


Apart from scouring Charity shops and Bootsales another place I love to browse are Vintage shops. There are not a huge amount near me, but what there is generally very good. I don’t buy the clothes as they are not ‘my style’ per se, but I will indulge in trinket or two, and I do possess quite a lot of vintage furniture, crockery and glasses (a lot of those…). So I’m always on the hunt for good buys in those categories.

I like there's 'no nonsense' in these bag's!

I like there’s ‘no nonsense’ in these bag’s!

They are just great places to ‘escape’ and see the remnants from fashion past, recurring themes of what has survived remains, be it a netted hat, diamanté brooch, a fur stole (only vintage ‘allowed’) and I much applaud the ‘no-nonsense’ bags (the kind of bags Dick Emery bashed men with, in his “you are awful but I do like you” sketch, age is showing….but it was very funny to a 7-year-old…). I love the fact you just can’t predict exactly what you’ll find (rather why I love Charity shops and Boot fairs also..).

Netted or flower which do you prefer??

Netted or flower which do you prefer??

I know I’m obviously not alone in this, and lets not forget the turban which made a resurgence in fashion in the last couple of years seen at Gucci, Miu Miu and Moschino oh yes!? (which I have previously covered in two posts ). The turban that dreaded headgear, which I laughed at as a child came back with a bang (so very hard to ignore…).  Net veils over the face, also made an appearance (seen at Chanel) and I prefer those.

The 'dreaded turban'came back with a 'bang' though this mannequin does not 'look amused'...

The ‘dreaded turban’came back with a ‘bang’ though this mannequin does not ‘look amused’…

Obviously the past influences now and the future, so it is very interesting to me that fashion which brought ‘terror to my eyes’ is now ‘all the rage’ or at least seen as ‘fashionable’, whereas from my memory they were not. Ladylike gloves did I forget those? Were they back or are they coming back? If not I would like to predict they will in a ‘very vintage’ style. We’ll see I guess…

I think one of those brooches will go with that dress…

I think one of those brooches will go with that dress…


some 'typical' Vintage displays...

some ‘typical’ Vintage displays…