‘We are George’…We are ‘hideous’…

There is a catchall that has been prevalent and pervasive across all media, that has been grating on me excruciatingly, and that is when ‘We are’ is put in front of everything and infuriatingly states and insists ‘We are train’ (how…exactly?) ‘We are festival’ again how?  ‘We are tombola?!’…etc and so on…of course once one company does it everyone else like a sheep follows, so what made me laugh was finding a magazine advert for Asda’s George fashion stating that ‘We are bold’, laughter why?

Some of the uninspiring displays at George

Because the thought of George fashion being ‘bold’ in the positive sense seemed remote! A good few years back George fashion was at it’s ‘peak’, they picked up quickly on the latest trends and because of this featured in high-fashion magazines and locally they even opened a store just for George clothing, focusing on the ‘latest looks’. I nearly always found something to wear and was often asked ‘Where did you get that from?’ ‘Asda or rather George’, I replied quietly and people were rather shocked..but their clothes are now a far and uncomfortable cry from those days, as most of their clothing is what I would call hideous! (and I don’t use that word lightly…) and why hideous?

have they gone ‘floral mad’ at George or what??? uhhh…

Well take a look at the prints! Please! Do their textile designers need their eye’s tested? Or rather a ‘design adjustment’ if that’s possible? Interestingly the advert does not feature one of these ‘delightful’ articles where the designs are more akin to bad 80’s furniture covering than something you would wear! I first noticed this downturn a few summers ago when I went in looking for a top and left empty handed….it was again full of mine bogglingly unattractive and unflattering prints with tops with gathers under the bust, criss crossing fabric combined with an unfathomable pattern that screamed stretch cushion and sofa covers of the very worst kind! So on seeing that ad I found it highly ironic  ‘We are bold’ …er…bold in the wrong and most unflattering way! So since then I’ve given Asda George a very wide berth. My visit this week confirms my view after seeing one depressing print after another, an entire conveyor belt of very bad taste indeed, and you are expected to pay for it!? Here are the pictures to prove it, I rest my case whilst heading to the door very fast…

with hideous tops like these I’m heading for the exit fast…!