What suits my ‘palette?’

Feeling in need of a treat/pick me up I decided some new makeup was in order and I was particularly interested in purchasing a makeup palette, though not sure exactly why…brainwashed?? Anyway I was looking for a nude/natural eyeshadow number as I’m not the one for highlighting, illuminating or heaven forbid strobing. Really at my age there are limits and I need to exercise some decorum. So what were my options? The first palette I encountered was whilst I was browsing (yet again…) in a Charity shop Revolutions Ultimate Blush Light and Contour 2018 though a few years old it looked the part and obviously never used (wonder why?). It certainly was a good start and from this I decided to broaden the field and not just limit myself to eyeshadow, why not give myself some more scope? Rummaging about in my makeup collection I found an unusual palette I bought a while back simply because 1) it was there… 2) it was cheap and 3) I thought I’d use it in an emergency, plus it would be very good for travelling as it’s a mini set. Comprising foundation, blush, eyeshadow, brow and highlighter…phew what a result all for I think 99p! Yep…you’ve guessed it I’m definitely not expecting quality or lasting results. Just an emergency ‘go to’ when I can’t carry much.

my concealer palette which does confuse me at times & my ‘all & everything’ put by palette

Well I’ve not tried it yet and I did totally forget about it plus I was waiting to use it for travelling which there hasn’t been very much of lately…so no big deal. I did have another palette a concealer one with a whole array of colours, most I haven’t a clue what to do with, I know green will cool redness but what does lilac do?? In addition to looking around the shops I did check out online and found a good deal at boots.com. I needed new powder and mascara and if I met certain buying conditions I would receive a free gift their special bonus ‘Heroes’ beauty box so it certainly became a good plan…especially in which was just the eyeshadow palette I was seeking or (sleeking…) a real boon! Killing a few birds in one single swoop.

my boots beauty bonus box with just the palette which caught my eye…great

Although there is a fair amount of choice for palettes some make up ranges either don’t carry any or their offerings are very limited. So hoorah! for me this week on receiving my sort out goodies. In this quest I’ve noticed I have quite a few cosmetics and good grief…perfume’s totally unused saving them all for a rainy day or until later when I really need them. At least it’s very pleasing to have my secret stash ready and waiting for when I feel the need to indulge.