Where we are now…and where pray are we going…?

Sorting through some old photos I came across a picture whilst photographing graffiti as an exercise several years ago and the image that struck me most was this one with the two masked women praying whilst holding some…er…canisters in their hands – yep the penny’s dropped now! They are graffiti artists! Well the masks are what some people now are wearing just to walk down the street! So despite the graffiti reference did the artist know something we/I didn’t then? It’s seems very apt and probably no coincidence I came across it now…very timely considering the current situation…alongside though is a recent shot from outside an army surplus store…a mannequin wearing a medical mask with a netted head cover just to make sure! I don’t know what the artist’s original idea was about exactly but it certainly speaks volumes about the times we are living in now…maybe I should go back and check for an update? It was in the Brick Lane area in London where there is a prolifery of graffiti art…think its time for a return but maybe post lockdown…though it definitely does count as exercise! As I remember walking around for quite a while in that area shooting ‘from the hip’ as it were. So it looks like non-essential shops will be opening this week can’t wait for that but I mustn’t forget…my mask!

the new norm…scenes to expect as (some…) shops re-open this week…