WTH….Charlie’s Angels??!!

So there I was thinking I was ‘safe’ home alone watching re-runs of Charlie’s Angels on the Sony channel (a favourite of mine from childhood..explains a lot…) when midst a ‘Redwine glare’ a horrid and grotesque face flickered on and off the screen…was I ‘seeing things’? Was that a mirage? What the hell…was…that? ‘Chilled to the core’ I rewinded and found no…I was not imagining it! As there it was in ‘technicolour’ that horrid face! A mask from a masqued ball/party scene, a mask not of ‘beauty’…but horror…this episode I was watching was entitled ‘Of Ghosts and Angels’, a spookified version complete with a haunted mansion, shaking chandeliers but thankfully or maybe not…a grim butler answering the door…you rang?

ghosts did not usually ‘appear’ on the show…

It starred Shelley Hack, Cheryl Ladd and of course Jaclyn Smith (did she never leave?). The story continued with wry suspicion, a deadly plot, a woman pushed down the stairs in a wheelchair! How violent…a mystery contained in rather a cliche (apart from that mask) but a very good attempt at conveying a haunted house story with ‘a little bit of detecting’ along the way…also with the angels avoiding any ‘hazardous duties’. (One of the tagline’s from the intro, oh how patronising and sexist it seems now…) but at the time when I was a child it was ‘normal’ or rather I didn’t ‘notice’ it. When you look at it again there was a very tongue in cheek element to it and not to take it so seriously…but that’s how these things often slip under the radar. Anyway at the moment I don’t particularly want to look over the radar and am quite happy being comforted by the familiar theme tune and generally unchallenging plots…it’s something to do in the evening when you’re home alone…good job it’s not Halloween though yet again going back to that mask…

a scene reminiscent of Little Women or Gone with the Wind but it wasn’t…the plot thickens…